Mentorship plays a key role in a person’s spiritual growth and development. Your own personal development is a must when preparing for and upon entering into the ministry.
2 Tim. 2:15 states, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
This scripture implies that you will minister from your biblical knowledge and your knowledge of the people, cultures and events. Another facet of ministering will come out of your own personal experiences. The good and the bad ones, the valleys and the mountaintops. You will also minister out of your personal relationship with the Lord. The early disciples and apostles did many great works because of their relationship and encounter with Jesus, and the same still holds true today. Relationship with the Master is still the key.
Another continual in your life must be transformation. The Word says that we are changed from glory to glory. We must continually be transforming into the image of Christ who called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light.
Eph. 4:13 states, “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:…”
One way your transformation will be enhanced is through solid mentorship.Your pastor is usually your best and should be your primary, direction giver. You will gain much needed wisdom and knowledge from him and also from other elders who have “been around the block”. Later on you may also have a personal mentor who instructs you in more in-depth or key areas of ministry. One-on-one mentoring is always the best, but it isn’t always available. Through technology we can mentor and be mentored through cds, dvds, and the internet. One must always retain a teachable spirit to continue growth and development. You have to be able to lead and be led! Seek the Lord for knowledge and wisdom. He said in His Word that He would give wisdom liberally if we ask. You will need it in areas such as team leading, administration, conflict resolutions, spiritual warfare, and so on.
In Conclusion: Mentoring is a key factor in your spiritual growth. It’s a necessity so that you yourself can mentor others. We must first and foremost continue seeking after Jesus. An elder once told me early on that it is wise to always know that you have someone in front of you to look up to and challenge you and to also know that someone is behind you looking up to you!
1) What is a key area that you will minister from?
- From your own personal experiences and your own testimonies. From your valleys and mountaintops.
2) From whom and how can we obtain mentorship?
- From your pastor, parents, and elders who have, as the often quoted saying goes, “been there, done that.”
- From technology such as cds, dvds, and the internet.